


With in-depth expertise, many years of experience and a helpful network, we support you organising and obtaining the necessary licences for your international waste shipments



We offer you a comprehensive and professional service for the preparation and implementation of waste notifications in accordance with the Basel Convention and EU Regulations (EC) No. 1013/2006 and, more recently, No. 2024/1252 on the transboundary movement of hazardous waste. With our many years of experience and in-depth knowledge of the legal requirements, we guide you through the most important part of the notification process and ensure the best possible preparation for the smooth and legally compliant handling of your waste shipments.

We prepare all the necessary documents for you and ensure that they are filled out completely and correctly. We take into account all relevant legal provisions and specific requirements of the countries to which the waste is to be shipped.

We take care of all correspondence with the relevant authorities and your partner companies for you. Our close network and good relationships with the authorities enable us to process your applications efficiently and quickly.

We advise you on the selection of the necessary financial collateral and insurance policies to fulfil the legal requirements. We can recommend efficient and cost-effective solutions from insurance companies or banks with whom we have had good experience in the past, free of charge.

We plan the optimum transport route for your waste shipments and obtain the necessary permits. In doing so, we ensure efficient and environmentally friendly routing.

We will keep you up to date throughout the entire process and inform you regularly about the status of your notification. Our aim is to guarantee you a transparent and stress-free process.



Saving Time

Competent authority contacts
Optimized workflow
Professional software


Clear content & time arrangements
Direct communication
Constant feedback

Saving Cost

Competent authority contacts
Optimized workflow
Professional software


Wealth of experience
Care & accuracy
Compliance with rules of discretion


Specialist work
Principles of the honorable merchant
Intercultural knowledge & experience


Practice-relevant documents
All from a single source



Years of Experience
> 0
> 0



Our renumeration is based on a flat fee per notification, which depends on three main aspects

  • Reason for the notification (new or renewal),
  • Duration of the notification (1 or 3 years),
  • Area of the notification (OECD or non-OECD countries).

Please note that official fees (competent authorities) are not included in our prices and must be paid separately by the client.

Depending on the amount of our fee, payment is due either in advance or in 2 instalments after invoicing. All payments are to be settled in EUR.



We offer comprehensive waste-related business services designed to streamline your international waste shipments. Our document provides a detailed description of each step in our service process, ensuring you understand the necessary procedures and requirements.



Frank W. Bender

Founder and Owner / Notification Specialist

German, English, French, Dutch

Lev Lekush

External IT-Partner

German, English, Russian



To create the notification, we initially require the following documents and information from you as the client or waste producer:

a) Powers of Attorney: Powers of Attorney for the relevant authorities, waste processors, and transporters (bilingual). In a subsequent step, we will request additional documents from you via email on the following topics:

b) Waste information (waste generation)

This information is necessary to efficiently and legally initiate and carry out the notification procedure. Please ensure that all documents are provided completely and in a timely manner to avoid delays.

We offer comprehensive services for the notification of various types of waste, particularly hazardous waste. Specifically, we can notify the following types of waste for you:

a) Hazardous Waste

  • Chemical waste (e.g., solvents, pesticides, paints, and varnishes)
  • Medical waste (e.g., infectious waste)
  • Industrial waste (e.g., residues from metal processing, batteries, asbestos)
  • Electronic waste (e.g., old devices with hazardous components)


b) Non-hazardous Waste

  • Household waste (e.g., mixed municipal waste)
  • Commercial waste (e.g., packaging, paper, plastics)
  • Construction and demolition waste (e.g., concrete, bricks, wood)
  • Organic waste (e.g., garden waste, food scraps)


Notification requirements exist under legal regulations for hazardous waste. European legislation, based on the Basel Convention, allows for stricter national regulations. This increasingly leads to some authorities also requiring notifications for non-hazardous waste (e.g., Italy).

The duration of the entire notification process can vary and depends on several factors. On average, the process takes about 3 months from application to approval. The key influencing factors are:


a) Completeness of submitted documents: If all required documents are submitted completely and correctly, it can significantly speed up the process.

b) Response time of the authorities: Processing times of the relevant authorities in different countries can vary and affect the overall duration.

c) Complexity of the waste shipment: In particularly complex cases, such as the transport of hazardous waste or transit through multiple countries, the process may take longer.

d) Additional requirements or queries: Sometimes, authorities may have additional requirements or queries, which can cause delays.


Our approach to minimizing processing time:

  • Careful preparation: We ensure that all documents are complete and correct before submission.
  • Close contact with authorities: Our good relationships with the relevant authorities often allow us to speed up the process.
  • Proactive communication: We regularly inform you about the status of your notification and maintain close contact with all parties involved to quickly resolve any questions.


We do our best to make the notification process as efficient and fast as possible. If you have specific deadlines or urgent requirements, please let us know early so we can respond accordingly.

Determining and approving the transport route for hazardous waste is a complex process that involves several steps and the collaboration of various stakeholders. The following is a brief description of the process:

a) Analysis of departure and destination locations

b) Selection of the optimal transport route

c) Documentation of the transport route

d) Obtaining approvals

e) Review and approval of the route

f) Notification of the approved route

Through careful planning and close collaboration with the relevant authorities, we ensure that your waste transports are carried out safely, efficiently, and in compliance with the law. Contact us to learn more about our services and the transport route planning process.

After the notification is approved, several important steps must be taken to ensure the smooth, safe, and legally compliant transport of hazardous waste. Here is an overview of the next steps:

a) Review of the approval

b) Informing all parties involved

c) Detailed planning of the transport

d) Preparation and distribution of transport documents

e) Execution of the transport

f) Communication and status updates

g) Arrival and unloading

h) Final documentation

i) Feedback and follow-up

With our initial support and the continuous, careful planning by the client and the transport company, you as the notifier ensure that the transport of your hazardous waste is carried out smoothly and successfully after the notification is approved. Contact us to learn more about our services and the next steps after approval.

Ensuring compliance with all legal regulations during the transport of hazardous waste is crucial to protect the environment and public health and to avoid legal consequences. We support you in implementing a variety of measures and processes to ensure that all legal requirements are met. Here is an overview of how you can ensure this:

a) Comprehensive knowledge of legal requirements

b) Careful preparation and planning

c) Quality assurance measures

d) Collaboration with authorities

e) Technical support and monitoring

f) Dedicated expert team

g) Transparent and regular reporting

With our support and your commitment, you can ensure that your waste transports are carried out safely, in compliance with the law, and efficiently. Contact us to learn more about our services and regulatory compliance.

Problems and delays in the notification process can arise for various reasons and must be managed efficiently and professionally to ensure a smooth procedure. Here is an overview of how we handle problems and delays in the notification process:

a) Proactive identification of potential issues

b) Prompt communication and transparency

c) Rapid problem resolution

d) Collaboration with authorities

e) Adjustment of transport routes and planning

f) Activation of contingency plans

g) Regular status reports

h) Follow-up and feedback

Through our proactive actions and commitment, we ensure that problems and delays in the notification process are handled efficiently and professionally. Contact us to learn more about our services and our problem-solving approach.